68MT Sodium Lignosulphonate to Turkey

68 MT Sodium Lignosulphonate to Turkey

At the beginning of 2024, a customer from Turkey ordered 68 tons sodium lignosulphonate from our company. After confirming the relevant matters of the order, our factory also started working overtime for production. Currently, this … Read more

SNF Trial Order from The Philippines Customer

SNF Trial Order from The Philippines Customer

Recently,  there is a customer from the Philippines who inquired about SNF superplasticizer powder for concrete. And this customer also asked us to send him some samples for testing. After receiving the samples, the customer … Read more

Kingsun Sodium Lignosulfonate to Pakistan

Kingsun Sodium Lignosulfonate to Pakistan

At first, A customer from Pakistan contacted us by email, and he wanted to inquire about a 20-foot container of Kingsun sodium lignosulfonate as a trial order. When quoting, our business manager quotes sodium lignosulfonate … Read more

The SNF Order from A Middle East Customer

300 Tons SNF By Bulk Carrier

We have a customer from the Middle East, and he is a well-known distributor of concrete additives in the Middle East. For the first cooperation, he placed a SNF trial order for one container. After receiving … Read more


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